The Charles Rodolphe Brupbacher Symposium in 2019 again will take place at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich.
The lectures will be held in the Auditorium Maximum (HG F 30) and the poster abstracts will be displayed in the central hall of the ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology from January 29 to February 1, 2019.
The public lecture and the public award ceremonies will also take place in the Auditorium Maximum.
ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,
Rämistrasse 101
Audi Max (HG F30)
8092 Zürich
The Auditorium Maximum is located on the first Floor of the ETH main building over the main entrance hall Rämistrasse (accessible via stairs or lift 30).
How to get there
Travelling by public transport from Zurich Airport or Zurich Central Station.
How to get there PDF